高二英語教案:《English around the world》教學設計(6)
來源:網絡整理 2018-11-21 11:18:35
Before class (課前自主探究,合作學習)
Task1 Read the text fluently and try to recite the text. In this way the students can master the important words and phrases according to the context. (利用關鍵詞復述課文也是記憶單詞的好方法。)
Task 2 Complete this passage with the words from the Warming Up and Reading. (因為獨立的詞匯枯燥,因此這一部分的設計把課文與要講解的語言點很好的銜接起來,詞文結合,寓詞于文,整體感強。)
It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as f___________ as a n___________ English speaker. One reason is that English has a large v_____________. It also has different usage in different English speaking countries. If you use "flat" instead of "___________", people in America will know you have learned British English. If you use the word "_______" instead of "lift" in Britain, people will know you have studied American English.
Task 3 Try to find out the usages of some of the words or expressions referring to the dictionary in groups.
(Firstly, what impresses the Ss most is to do something by themselves. Secondly, referring to the dictionary is a very good habit in English learning.)
In class(課上展示交流,鞏固提高)
Step I. Check up Listen to the teacher and complete the sentences as quickly as possible. (此部分由教師或某個學生整句讀出來,學生據此寫出空缺的單詞,目的是鍛煉學生的聽力及單詞熟悉程度。→ 沒有聽出來的根據句子語境補充并修改。→ 小組核對答案。這一部分作為課上檢查,了解學情及學生掌握情況。)
1.Your ____________ decides your success.
2.Your two plans are wonderful,but I enjoy the __________more.
3.To speak English_____________,you'd better make use of every chance to practise.
4. His interest in maths _____________increases.
5. It sounds right but _____________ it's wrong..
6. The public want to know the ____________ of the killer.
7. An____________ of the local government called to see him.
8. He's a shy boy who can't ______________with other people very well.
9. The Titanic sank on its maiden _____________.
10.There are many differences between British and American ______________.
StepⅡ.Grasp the following language points:(方法指導:先把原文句子呈現出來,然后認真瀏覽知識點的解析,自我探究、歸納總結,小組合作,并完成相應的鞏固練習,選出一名代表展示答案,師生核對答案后,背誦★句子) (Co-operation is of great importance in study, so is trying to use what they have learned.)
1. Do you know that there is more than one kind of English?你知道嗎,(世界上)有許多英語種類?
There are more than 100 people at the party.
Peace is much more than the absence of war.
Her performance was more than good;it was perfect.
He more than smiled;he laughed outright.
The consequence was much more than he imagined.
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