2014-11-05 14:25:03U.S.NEWS
An information systems librarian oversees many library resources. They are often responsible for coordinating use of digital reference systems, library equipment, and more.
排名 | 學校 | 學校英文名 | 所在城市/州 |
#1 | 雪城大學 | Syracuse University | Syracuse, NY |
#3 | 德雷塞爾大學 | Drexel University | Philadelphia, PA |
#4 | 華盛頓大學 | University of Washington | Seattle, WA |
#7 | 羅格斯新澤西州立大學紐華克分校 | Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey--New Brunswick | New Brunswick, NJ |
#8 | 印第安納大學伯明頓分校 | Indiana University--Bloomington | Bloomington, IN |
#8 | 伊利諾伊大學厄本那-香檳分校 | University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign | Champaign, IL |
#10 | 馬里蘭大學學院公園分校 | University of Maryland--College Park | College Park, MD |
#11 | 德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校 | University of Texas,Austin | Austin, TX |