2014-05-22 18:28:50北京工業大學北京-都柏林國際學院
北京工業大學北京-都柏林國際學院(Beijing-Dublin International College at BJUT,簡稱都柏林學院,BDIC)是北京工業大學與愛爾蘭國立都柏林大學(University College Dublin, 簡稱UCD)聯合組建的國際化學院。學院既是北京工業大學的正式教學機構,也是愛爾蘭都柏林大學在北京的分校區。由兩校校長擔任聯合主席的聯合管理委員會(Joint Management Committee)是學院最高管理機構,負責決策在全球化背景下學院的戰略發展、運行管理和人才培養等問題。
都柏林學院引進西方先進教育體系和方法,結合中國學生特點與國內高校育人經驗,以培養具有國際視野、精通中西文化、善于創新、綜合素質高、具有國際競爭力的高端國際化創新型人才為目標,力爭打造世界一流學府。學院設有軟件工程(Software Engineering)、物聯網工程(The Internet of Things Engineering)、金融學(Finance)和應用統計學(Applied Statistics)4個專業,教育部批準的本科生招生規模為1100人/年。
BDIC Beijing-Dublin International College at BJUT (BDIC) is an international college jointly established by Beijing University of Technology (BJUT) and University College Dublin (UCD). BDIC is a College of both BJUT and UCD. BDIC is run by a Joint Management Committee (JMC), chaired by the Presidents of both BJUT and UCD. The JMC is responsible for strategic development, management, training and other issues.
BDIC uses advanced western teaching systems and methodology in combination with the traditional strengths of Chinese students and the experience of educators in China. Students will gain an international perspective and broaden their knowledge of Chinese and western cultures, becoming innovative, with a comprehensive, high quality outlook. BDIC maintains a goal of producing innovative and internationally competitive people, and is striving to build a world-class institution.
BDIC has been approved by the Ministry of Education to recruit up to 1,100 students per-year and currently offers the following programmes:
·Software Engineering
·Internet of Things Engineering
·Applied Statistics