2011-08-19 15:32:42高考網整合
31.產生,形成 come into being
32. …的一例 one example of
33.在老師不在的情況下in the absence of the teacher
34.負責 be in charge of
35.溫暖又友好的會議氣氛 the atmosphere of the meeting is warm and friendly
36.奧運冠軍 the Olympic Champion
37.西游記 Journey to the West
38.夜里被噪聲嚇壞frightened by noises in the night
39.被跟蹤 be followed by
40.尋求幫助 send for help
41.如果被單獨留在沙漠中If left alone on a deserted island
42.收到做報告的請柬 receive many invitations to give lectures
43.受中國青年的歡become popular among Chinese teenagers
44.唱我最喜歡的歌sing my favorite songs
45.渡過這一天 get through the day
46.處于灰色和深色之間colors in the middle of grays and shades
47.過去逃避詩 used to avoid poetry
48.查找詞意look up the meaning of the words
49.體驗到節奏感 fall into the rhythm
50.從小詩開始 start with small poems
51.借助燭光 by the light of candle
52.悲傷一去不復返 my sadness is gone
53.雪塵 the dust of snow
54.心情的改變 a change of mood
55.幾乎發狂 slowly go insane
56.不能擺脫痛苦 it doesn't stop the pain
57.如果從此再也不能相見if I see you next to never
58.詩的收藏 collections of poems
59.向你推薦詩 recommend poems to you
60.很值得努力 be well worth the effort