來源:網絡來源 2009-08-29 22:43:20
英語作為一種語言文字是由無數個詞匯組成的,但是在實際應用過程中,除了冠詞,應數介詞of使用率最高.英語介詞of因其在句中所處位置及與其它詞之間的關系不同而表示不同的意義. 你只要記住一些固定用法,下次就好區分了.
1: 表示剝奪,除去
deprive sb. of his right 剝奪某人的權力(人身自由)
denude sb. of his possession (hope) 掠奪他的財產(希望/土地)
divest the baby of his clothes 脫孩子的衣服
rid him of this fear; rob sb. of his wallet 使他擺脫恐懼;搶他的錢包
defraud sb. of gold ring 詐騙某人的金戒指
cure sb. of cancer; heal sb. of cancer 治愈某人的癌癥疾病
purify the nation clean the jar of crust 清洗罐子的外壁
clarify the river of flowing rubbish 清除河里的浮游垃圾
--get rid of, rid of, dispose of 去掉,除去,處理
"OF" 之前的是名詞或人稱代詞,強調主體在前.你可以好好捉摸一下.
2: of接直接賓語,以下都是固定用法.不管是口語還是書面語都可以用到.
-告訴-tell sb. of sth.,inform sb. of sth ,warn sb. of fire
remind sb. of his duties, acquaint sb. of sth.,notify of..
-其他,勸服-persuade sb. of honesty, assure sb. of the best seats, convince sb. of sth.
-法律詞匯-accuse sb. of burglary ; convict sb. of murder; suspect sb. of a theft
-reassure his wife of his safe arrival
3: of接間接賓語, 就是把賓語放在OF之前,英語中就這樣寫,但中文翻譯還得再翻譯回來,就是強調重點不一樣,寫法也不一樣.
request sth. of sb., expect sth. of sb., require sth. of
ask a question of sb. ,向某人問什么;
be fearful of mistakes, be jealous of wealthy persons ,
be reminiscent of his past, be patient of the enormous
noise ,be guilty of robbery, be innocent of robbery 這些都是BE動詞的OF短語,要求記下來.比如,害怕犯錯誤,嫉妒別人的財富,回憶往事,容忍巨大的噪音,犯有搶劫罪,無搶劫罪
4: of表示人物的特性,籍貫,特性或出生等
He is of Irish descend (ascent) 他是愛爾蘭人的后代
People of obscure origin (humble /noble)不好區分人們的出身(卑*的人/貴族)
Man of keen perception, 泛指男人有敏銳的理解力
a man of moral integrity,特指一個男人的道德水平高
5: 固定詞組
-say of, tale of, hear of, think of, learn of, savor of
The room smells of stale cabbage.這個房間到處彌漫著爛卷心菜的臭味.
-brag of his achievements.自夸他自己的成就
Boast of his children.炫耀自己的孩子
beware of pickpockets ,approve of the program
小心扒手, 滿意這個節目
doubt of success, complain of poor management
懷疑某人的成功, 因管理不善而投訴
-be sure of ,be suspicious of, be aware of
確信某事, 懷疑某事,意識到某事
be confident of ,be proud of ,be ashamed of
be afraid of, be capable of, be lack of
害怕做某事, 能夠做某事,缺少什么
be critical of, be shortly of, be conscious of
be ignorant of, be wary of, be cautious of
不知道什么, 提防什么,謹慎什么
be appreciative of your advice 感激某人的建議
-regardless of , irrespective of ,不管….無視
in favor of 有利于
decide on three most popular leisure activities
irrespective of age. 不考慮實際年齡,還是決定去參與三項最流行的休閑活動.(例如老年人都已經80歲了,還是決定參加攀巖,跳傘,潛水這些年輕人最流行的休閑方式.)
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